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Seminars + Speaking



Dr. Murray has been a senior instructor for the International Chiropractic Sports Federation for the past 15 years. He has lectured and taught for the organization in Germany, England, Italy, Denmark, Dublin, Australia, and many more.


Notable Speaking Engagements:


  • Keynote Speaker, British Chiropractic Symposium, Manchester, England (2011)

  • Guest Speaker, Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) Sports Club, Toronto, Canada (2014)

  • Presenter for Grand Rounds, Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC), Toronto, Canada (2014)

  • Guest Instructor, IFEC Chiropractic College, Toulouse, France, (June, 2015)

  • Guest Instructor for IFEC Chiropractic College, Paris, France, June 2014 and 2015

  • Head Instructor (with Dr. Larry Bell), Functional Biomechanical Assessment (FBA) 2-Day Seminars, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2008), Farnham, England (2012), Copenhagen, Denmark (2011 and 2013), Toronto, Canada (2014), Paris, France (2014), Toulouse, France (2015)


Murray Chiropractic has provided speakers for many local organizations and events from soccer to running and sport injuries. Please contact us for further information.

Dr. Mike Murray Chiropractor. Chiropractor Dr. Mike Murray, Dr. Mike Murray lectures, Dr. Mike Murray seminars, Dr. Mike Murray and Dr. Larry Bell. 



Seminar Testimonials
Upcoming Events

Functional Neuro-Muscular Assessment (FNA)

Dr. Mike Murray and Dr. Larry Bell are teaching a highly practical weekend course that will provide participants with insight into neuromuscular human performance and a set of practical treatment protocols that can be directly applied in clinical practice. Drawing upon their extensive combined experience of serving as medical specialists at over 100 National and International sport competitions, Drs. Murray and Bell will inspire and motivate practitioners with in-depth practical demonstrations and a sharing of clinical gems. For more information, please see 

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More Seminar Testimonials

"To this day I have incorporated most of what we learnt into my daily practice with great effect." - Dr. Nash Anderson



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